Stabilizing Ankle

Stabilizing Ankle

by DonJoy

A recent study of over 2,000 high school football players proves that wearing the Stabilizing Ankle Brace reduces the incidence of acute ankle injury by 61%. Bracing also offers a low-cost alternative to athletic tape. (Source: McGuine T.A., Brooks A. AM J Sports Med.2011 "The Effect of Lace-up Ankle Braces on Injury Rates in High School Football Players").

The Stabilizing Ankle support features non-stretch nylon figure 8 straps which lock the calcaneus into place to help control abnormal eversion and inversion. The full-circumference tib/fib strap provides adjustable compression and stability. Ideal for chronic ankle sprains and prophylactic use. It is ideal for the athlete who wants a low profile sleek ankle brace to fit well in their shoe for added ankle stability vs. or in addition to ankle bracing.


  • Fits right or left

  • Sturdy non-nylon cool mesh construction

  • Removable medial/lateral plastic stays

  • Adjustable figure 8 for inversion/eversion control

  • Elastic full-circumference tib/ fib strap for compression

  • Low profile and lightweight to fit into shoe easily

Product Details:

Body Part
Gauntlet AFO

Additional information:

Base L Code
Additional L Codes
Combined Stability
Available in Custom

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